This data is from a set of 12 fecal samples from 6 subjects. 2 of the subjects gave multiple longitudinal samples at 1-6 month intervals.
The data were processed from extracted gDNA by PacBio using their 16S protocol and the Sequel sequencing instrument. Replicate 1 was sequenced using the S/P2-C2/5.0 sequencing chemistry, and Replicate 2 was sequenced with a pre-release version of the S/P3-C3/5.0 sequencing chemistry.
CCS reads were constructed using PacBio’s software, default parameters (including minPasses
of 3) and a minPredictedAccuracy
of 99.9%.
Load libraries, setup paths, prepare environment:
## [1] '1.12.1'
library(Biostrings); packageVersion("Biostrings")
## [1] '2.46.0'
library(ShortRead); packageVersion("ShortRead")
## [1] '1.36.1'
library(ggplot2); packageVersion("ggplot2")
## [1] '3.1.0'
library(reshape2); packageVersion("reshape2")
## [1] '1.4.3'
library(gridExtra); packageVersion("gridExtra")
## [1] '2.3'
library(phyloseq); packageVersion("phyloseq")
## [1] '1.25.2'
path1 <- "~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal1" # CHANGE ME to location of the First Replicate fastq files
path2 <- "~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2" # CHANGE ME to location of the Second Replicate fastq files
path.out <- "Figures/"
path.rds <- "RDS/"
fns1 <- list.files(path1, pattern="fastq.gz", full.names=TRUE)
fns2 <- list.files(path2, pattern="fastq.gz", full.names=TRUE)
rc <- dada2:::rc
We will start by processing replicate 2, the high depth replicate, which we will use to explore the E. coli ASVs in this data.
Remove primers and orient reads:
nops2 <- file.path(path2, "noprimers", basename(fns2))
prim2 <- removePrimers(fns2, nops2, primer.fwd=F27, primer.rev=dada2:::rc(R1492), orient=TRUE)
Higher loss here than in the mock communities, but still very reasonable. Probably not surprising its a bit higher given this is a real sample rather than mock DNA, and the DNA extraction step was done by CoreBiome without special care to ensuring higher molecular weight DNA.
Inspect length distribution.
lens.fn <- lapply(nops2, function(fn) nchar(getSequences(fn)))
lens <-, lens.fn)
hist(lens, 100)
Very strong peak ~1450, looks good.
filts2 <- file.path(path2, "noprimers", "filtered", basename(fns2))
track2 <- filterAndTrim(nops2, filts2, minQ=3, minLen=1000, maxLen=1600, maxN=0, rm.phix=FALSE, maxEE=2)
## reads.out
## Callahan_16S_R_11.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 17436 17147
## Callahan_16S_R_3.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 26605 26190
## Callahan_16S_R_3.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 24477 24081
## Callahan_16S_R_3.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 16738 16474
## Callahan_16S_R_9.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 28623 28171
## Callahan_16S_R_9.1B.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 24832 24453
## Callahan_16S_R_9.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 21759 21411
## Callahan_16S_R_9.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 18701 18429
## Callahan_16S_R_9.4.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 13481 13258
Losing <2% of reads per sample. Mean/Median reads per sample is over 20K! No low depth outliers.
drp2 <- derepFastq(filts2, verbose=TRUE)
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_11.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 4468 unique sequences from 17147 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_3.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 4958 unique sequences from 26190 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_3.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 5326 unique sequences from 24081 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_3.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 3668 unique sequences from 16474 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_9.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 6385 unique sequences from 28171 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_9.1B.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 5529 unique sequences from 24453 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_9.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 5519 unique sequences from 21411 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_9.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 5152 unique sequences from 18429 total sequences read.
## Dereplicating sequence entries in Fastq file: ~/Desktop/LRAS/Data/Fecal2/noprimers/filtered/Callahan_16S_R_9.4.ccs99.9.fastq.gz
## Encountered 3772 unique sequences from 13258 total sequences read.
Roughly 1/4th unique sequences in these samples.
Learn errors:
err2 <- learnErrors(drp2, errorEstimationFunction=PacBioErrfun, BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=TRUE)
## 122486022 total bases in 83892 reads from 4 samples will be used for learning the error rates.
saveRDS(err2, file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_err2.rds"))
Inspect errors:
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
Looks good.
dd2 <- dada(drp2, err=err2, BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=TRUE)
## Sample 1 - 17147 reads in 4468 unique sequences.
## Sample 2 - 26190 reads in 4958 unique sequences.
## Sample 3 - 24081 reads in 5326 unique sequences.
## Sample 4 - 16474 reads in 3668 unique sequences.
## Sample 5 - 28171 reads in 6385 unique sequences.
## Sample 6 - 24453 reads in 5529 unique sequences.
## Sample 7 - 21411 reads in 5519 unique sequences.
## Sample 8 - 18429 reads in 5152 unique sequences.
## Sample 9 - 13258 reads in 3772 unique sequences.
saveRDS(dd2, file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_dd2.rds"))
Read tracking for replicate 2:
cbind(ccs=prim2[,1], primers=prim2[,2], filtered=track2[,2], denoised=sapply(dd2, function(x) sum(x$denoised)))
## ccs primers filtered denoised
## Callahan_16S_R_11.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 19627 17436 17147 16974
## Callahan_16S_R_3.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 30983 26605 26190 26088
## Callahan_16S_R_3.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 27505 24477 24081 23856
## Callahan_16S_R_3.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 18783 16738 16474 16382
## Callahan_16S_R_9.1.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 32133 28623 28171 27951
## Callahan_16S_R_9.1B.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 28156 24832 24453 24228
## Callahan_16S_R_9.2.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 24760 21759 21411 21071
## Callahan_16S_R_9.3.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 21621 18701 18429 17945
## Callahan_16S_R_9.4.ccs99.9.fastq.gz 15169 13481 13258 12864
Sequence table:
st2 <- makeSequenceTable(dd2); dim(st2)
## [1] 9 1411
Assign taxonomy:
tax2 <- assignTaxonomy(st2, "~/tax/silva_nr_v128_train_set.fa.gz", multithread=TRUE) # Slowest part
tax2[,"Genus"] <- gsub("Escherichia/Shigella", "Escherichia", tax2[,"Genus"]) # Reformat to be compatible with other data sources
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "Bacteria" "Verrucomicrobia" "Verrucomicrobiae"
## [2,] "Bacteria" "Firmicutes" "Negativicutes"
## [3,] "Bacteria" "Proteobacteria" "Gammaproteobacteria"
## [4,] "Bacteria" "Proteobacteria" "Betaproteobacteria"
## [5,] "Bacteria" "Firmicutes" "Clostridia"
## [6,] "Bacteria" "Firmicutes" "Erysipelotrichia"
## [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] "Verrucomicrobiales" "Verrucomicrobiaceae" "Akkermansia"
## [2,] "Selenomonadales" "Acidaminococcaceae" "Acidaminococcus"
## [3,] "Enterobacteriales" "Enterobacteriaceae" "Escherichia"
## [4,] "Burkholderiales" "Alcaligenaceae" "Sutterella"
## [5,] "Clostridiales" "Ruminococcaceae" "Ruminococcus_2"
## [6,] "Erysipelotrichales" "Erysipelotrichaceae" "Holdemanella"
Check chimeras:
bim2 <- isBimeraDenovo(st2, minFoldParentOverAbundance=3.5, multithread=TRUE)
## bim2
## 1372 39
## [1] 0.006591624
More than the zero seen in the mock datasets. Still a very low fraction of reads though.
Extract sample names from the filenames:
sample.names2 <- sapply(strsplit(fns2, "_"), function(x) paste(x[3], x[4], sep="_"))
sample.names2 <- gsub(".ccs99.9.fastq.gz", "", sample.names2)
rownames(st2) <- sample.names2
## [1] "R_11.1" "R_3.1" "R_3.2" "R_3.3" "R_9.1" "R_9.1B" "R_9.2" "R_9.3"
## [9] "R_9.4"
Save processed objects for future analysis.
saveRDS(st2, file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_st2.rds"))
saveRDS(tax2, file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_tax2_Silva128.rds"))
Reload processed data objects (can run code below from here in absence of input sequence data):
st2 <- readRDS(file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_st2.rds"))
tax2 <- readRDS(file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_tax2_Silva128.rds"))
Import the metadata for these samples, which is just the subject and the time ordering of the sample from that subject (only relevant for the two subjects with multiple samples).
ft2 <- sweep(st2, 1, rowSums(st2), "/")
df <- read.table("Docs/Fecal_Metadata.csv", header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df$SampleID <- gsub("_", ".", df$X)
df$SampleID <- gsub("^D", "D_", df$SampleID)
df$SampleID <- gsub("^R", "R_", df$SampleID)
rownames(df) <- df$SampleID
df <- df[sample.names2,-1]
## Weight SampleOrder Subject SampleID
## R_11.1 0.1845 1 R11 R_11.1
## R_3.1 0.2035 1 R3 R_3.1
## R_3.2 0.2834 2 R3 R_3.2
## R_3.3 0.1518 3 R3 R_3.3
## R_9.1 0.2205 1 R9 R_9.1
## R_9.1B 0.2376 2 R9 R_9.1B
In the mock community datasets, we resolved the full complement of 16S sequence variants in E. coli and used them to precisely classify those E. coli strains as O157:H7 and K-12. Let’s see if we can achieve similar reconstruction of E. coli strains in these real fecal samples.
sq2 <- getSequences(st2)
is.ecoli <- tax2[,"Genus"] %in% "Escherichia"
sqec <- sq2[is.ecoli]
## [1] 3 11 13 16 21 23 53 54 55 56 61 430 456 475
## [15] 648 1164
## R_11.1 R_3.1 R_3.2 R_3.3 R_9.1 R_9.1B R_9.2 R_9.3 R_9.4
## 0 5 5 5 10 6 0 2 0
Several E. coli ASVs, although since we expect 3-6 unique alleles per strain that probably only represents 3-4 strains.
Visualize the distribution of E. coli variants.
ecdf <- data.frame(st2[,is.ecoli])
names(sqec) <- paste0("Ec", seq(ncol(ecdf)))
ecnames <- names(sqec); names(ecnames) <- sqec # map to ecnames from sequences
colnames(ecdf) <- names(sqec)
ecdf <- cbind(ecdf, Sample=rownames(st2))
ecm <- melt(ecdf, id.vars="Sample","Abundance","SequenceVariant")
ggplot(data=ecm, aes(x=Sample, y=Abundance, color=SequenceVariant)) + geom_point()
Very clear 3:1:1:1:1 full complement signal in R_3, consistent over the time-course from R_3.1 to R_3.2 to R_3.3. R_9.1B also has a clear 2:1:1:1:1:1 full complement.
R_9.1 is less clear because fo the lower abundances, but may have 2 distinct strains given the 10 total E. coli variants in that sample (see previous code block). Note that R_9.1 precedes R_9.1B from the same subject. Taking a closer look at R_9.1:
isam <- "R_9.1"
ggplot(data=ecm[ecm$Sample == isam,], aes(x=SequenceVariant, y=Abundance, fill=SequenceVariant)) +
geom_col(width=0.4) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,250,10)) +
ggtitle(paste("Sample", isam))
With high confidence, this suggest to me a high abundance strain with a 4:1:1:1 full complement of Ec2:Ec13:Ec14. With moderate confidence, this suggests to me a lower abundance strain with a 2?:1:1:1:1:1 full complement of Ec6:Ec7:Ec8:Ec9:Ec10:Ec11. And, in fact, that is the strain because that was the strain subject R9 has in the next time-point!
## Ec1 Ec2 Ec3 Ec4 Ec5 Ec6 Ec7 Ec8 Ec9 Ec10 Ec11 Ec12 Ec13 Ec14 Ec15
## R_9.1B 0 0 0 0 0 1425 710 700 677 664 613 0 0 0 0
## Ec16 Sample
## R_9.1B 0 R_9.1B
Pretty cool that even when the minor variants are at an abundance of below 10 they are still being detected!
Make a publication plot of just samples with appreciable E. coli (and one extra sample from R9 to make both time-courses have 3 samples).
ecm$SampleOrder <- df$SampleOrder[ecm$Sample]
ecm$Timepoint <- paste("Timepoint", ecm$SampleOrder)
ecm$Subject <- df$Subject[ecm$Sample]
ecm$SubjectLabel <- paste("Subject", df$Subject[ecm$Sample])
ecmp <- ecm[ecm$Sample %in% c("R_3.1", "R_3.2", "R_3.3", "R_9.1", "R_9.1B", "R_9.2"),]
ecmp$SequenceVariant <- as.character(ecmp$SequenceVariant)
ecmp <- ecmp[ecmp$Abundance > 0,]
xx.R3 <- c(Ec1=1, Ec2=2, Ec3=3, Ec4=4, Ec5=5) # Strain 1
PAD <- 8 # Between strain pad
xx.R9 <- c(Ec2=1+PAD, Ec12=2+PAD, Ec13=3+PAD, Ec14=4+PAD, # Strain 2
Ec6=1+2*PAD, Ec7=2+2*PAD, Ec8=3+2*PAD, Ec9=4+2*PAD, Ec10=5+2*PAD, Ec11=6+2*PAD) # Strain 3
ecmp$X <- 0
is.R3 <- ecmp$Subject == "R3"; ecmp$X[is.R3] <- xx.R3[ecmp$SequenceVariant[is.R3]]
is.R9 <- ecmp$Subject == "R9"; ecmp$X[is.R9] <- xx.R9[ecmp$SequenceVariant[is.R9]]
# Force desired facet ymax limits with a custom data.frame
dflim <- data.frame(X=c(1, 1), Abundance=c(3000, 1500),
SequenceVariant=c("Ec1", "Ec1"),
SubjectLabel=c("Subject R3", "Subject R9"), Timepoint=c("Timepoint 1", "Timepoint 1"))
p.ecoli <- ggplot(data=ecmp, aes(x=X, y=Abundance, color=SequenceVariant)) + geom_point() +
facet_grid(SubjectLabel~Timepoint, scales="free_y") +
xlab("E. coli ASVs") + theme(axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
theme(panel.grid.major.x=element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.x=element_blank()) +
geom_blank(data=dflim) +
ggsave(file.path(path.out, "Fecal_Ecoli_ASVs.pdf"), width=5, height=3, useDingbats=FALSE)
Create an ordination.
ps2 <- phyloseq(otu_table(ft2, taxa_are_rows=FALSE), sample_data(df))
ord2 <- ordinate(ps2, method="MDS", distance="bray")
dford2 <- cbind(df, ord2$vectors)
ggplot(data=dford2, aes(x=Axis.1, y=Axis.2, color=Subject)) + geom_text(aes(label=SampleID))
These are just crude whole-community ordinations, but clearly there are strong time-course correlations, as the R3 samples and R9 2-4 cluster close together. The third cluster of points is everything else, which includes the two earlier R9 samples as well (R9 1 & 1B).
Since we do not have a ground truth in these natural samples, we repeated the sequencing of these samples to create technical replicates, so as to characterize the consistency of our method. Note: These are close but not perfect technical replicates, as Replicate 1 was sequenced using the currently available S/P2-C2/5.0 sequencing chemistry, and Replicate 2 of the fecal samples was sequenced with a pre-release version of the S/P3-C3/5.0 sequencing chemistry.
We haven’t performed the pre-processing steps yet for the Replicate 1 samples, so we go ahead and do that now (primer removal, filtering, learn error rates).
fns1 <- list.files(path1, pattern="fastq.gz", full.names=TRUE)
sample.names1 <- sapply(strsplit(fns1, "_"), function(x) paste(x[4], x[5], sep="_"))
sample.names1 <- gsub(".fastq.gz", "", sample.names1)
# Remove primers
nops1 <- file.path(path1, "noprimers", basename(fns1))
prim1 <- removePrimers(fns1, nops1, primer.fwd=F27, primer.rev=dada2:::rc(R1492), orient=TRUE)
# Filter
filts1 <- file.path(path1, "noprimers", "filtered", basename(fns1))
track1 <- filterAndTrim(nops1, filts1, minQ=3, minLen=1000, maxLen=1600, maxN=0, rm.phix=FALSE, maxEE=2)
## reads.out
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_11.1.fastq.gz 12955 10307
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.1.fastq.gz 18588 15043
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.2.fastq.gz 18663 14939
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.3.fastq.gz 11838 9447
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.1.fastq.gz 19923 16052
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.1B.fastq.gz 18362 14630
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.2.fastq.gz 15186 12158
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.3.fastq.gz 12641 10115
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.4.fastq.gz 10053 8117
Note that the read yield is lower in Replicate 1 than Replicate 2, because the new chemistry used in Replicate 2 has higher yield.
Continue through learning the error rates.
err1 <- learnErrors(filts1, errorEstimationFunction=PacBioErrfun, BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=TRUE)
## 117435233 total bases in 80418 reads from 6 samples will be used for learning the error rates.
saveRDS(err1, file.path(path.rds, "Fecal_err1.rds"))
And denoise for the read tracking counts.
dd1 <- dada(filts1, err=err1, BAND_SIZE=32, multithread=TRUE)
## Sample 1 - 10307 reads in 3567 unique sequences.
## Sample 2 - 15043 reads in 3945 unique sequences.
## Sample 3 - 14939 reads in 4466 unique sequences.
## Sample 4 - 9447 reads in 2845 unique sequences.
## Sample 5 - 16052 reads in 4945 unique sequences.
## Sample 6 - 14630 reads in 4537 unique sequences.
## Sample 7 - 12158 reads in 4122 unique sequences.
## Sample 8 - 10115 reads in 3924 unique sequences.
## Sample 9 - 8117 reads in 3089 unique sequences.
Read tracking for Replicate 1:
cbind(ccs=prim1[,1], primers=prim1[,2], filtered=track1[,2], denoised=sapply(dd1, function(x) sum(x$denoised)))
## ccs primers filtered denoised
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_11.1.fastq.gz 16195 12955 10307 10212
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.1.fastq.gz 24657 18588 15043 14972
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.2.fastq.gz 22799 18663 14939 14772
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_3.3.fastq.gz 14675 11838 9447 9401
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.1.fastq.gz 25306 19923 16052 15935
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.1B.fastq.gz 23003 18362 14630 14443
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.2.fastq.gz 19073 15186 12158 11906
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.3.fastq.gz 16315 12641 10115 9735
## Callahan_16S_2pM-Cell1_R_9.4.fastq.gz 12438 10053 8117 7816
Check the total numbers for each replicate after primer removal and filtering.
colSums(track1); median(track1[,2])
## reads.out
## 138209 110808
## [1] 12158
colSums(track2); median(track2[,2])
## reads.out
## 192652 189614
## [1] 21411
We now rarefy samples from each replicate down to a consistent read depth of 10,000 to remove systematic library size effects.
Set up file paths and define function.
path1.rare <- file.path(dirname(filts1[[1]]), "Rare10K")
if(!dir.exists(path1.rare)) dir.create(path1.rare)
path2.rare <- file.path(dirname(filts2[[1]]), "Rare10K")
if(!dir.exists(path2.rare)) dir.create(path2.rare)
# Define function that rarefies fastq files
rarefyFastq <- function(filt, fout, n) {
if(file.exists(fout)) file.remove(fout)
f <- FastqSampler(filt, n=n)
fq.sample <- yield(f)
nout <- writeFastq(fq.sample, fout)
Rarefy the first replicate to 10k reads per sample.
set.seed(100) # Seed RN generator for full replication
rares1 <- file.path(path1.rare, basename(filts1))
nrec1 <- mapply(rarefyFastq, filts1, rares1, n=10000)
names(nrec1) <- sample.names1
## R_11.1 R_3.1 R_3.2 R_3.3 R_9.1 R_9.1B R_9.2 R_9.3 R_9.4
## 10000 10000 10000 9447 10000 10000 10000 10000 8117
Two samples had less then 10k reads. While we could drop the rarefaction depth, I’m choosing to keep it at 10k and drop those samples for ease of interpretability (e.g. 1% frequency = 100 reads).
Rarefy the second replicate to 10k reads per sample.
rares2 <- file.path(path2.rare, basename(filts2))
nrec2 <- mapply(rarefyFastq, filts2, rares2, n=10000)
names(nrec2) <- sample.names2
## R_11.1 R_3.1 R_3.2 R_3.3 R_9.1 R_9.1B R_9.2 R_9.3 R_9.4
## 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000
Pick out just the samples that reached 10k in both replicates.
identical(sample.names1, sample.names2) # TRUE
## [1] TRUE
sample.names <- sample.names1
keep <- nrec1 == 10000 & nrec2 == 10000
Now we go ahead and process the rarefied samples.
Replicate 1:
drp1.rare <- derepFastq(rares1[keep])
dd1.rare <- dada(drp1.rare, err=err1, multithread=TRUE, BAND_SIZE=32)
## Sample 1 - 10000 reads in 3468 unique sequences.
## Sample 2 - 10000 reads in 2739 unique sequences.
## Sample 3 - 10000 reads in 3168 unique sequences.
## Sample 4 - 10000 reads in 3209 unique sequences.
## Sample 5 - 10000 reads in 3257 unique sequences.
## Sample 6 - 10000 reads in 3466 unique sequences.
## Sample 7 - 10000 reads in 3891 unique sequences.
st1.rare <- makeSequenceTable(dd1.rare)
Replicate 2:
drp2.rare <- derepFastq(rares2[keep])
dd2.rare <- dada(drp2.rare, err=err2, multithread=TRUE, BAND_SIZE=32)
## Sample 1 - 10000 reads in 2717 unique sequences.
## Sample 2 - 10000 reads in 2149 unique sequences.
## Sample 3 - 10000 reads in 2447 unique sequences.
## Sample 4 - 10000 reads in 2614 unique sequences.
## Sample 5 - 10000 reads in 2545 unique sequences.
## Sample 6 - 10000 reads in 2895 unique sequences.
## Sample 7 - 10000 reads in 3122 unique sequences.
st2.rare <- makeSequenceTable(dd2.rare)
We now merge the sequence tables into a data.frame with entries for each ASV found in each sample (in either replicate) along with the abundances detected in both replicates.k
sq1.rare <- colnames(st1.rare)
rownames(st1.rare) <- sample.names[keep]
df1 <- melt(st1.rare, varnames=c("Sample", "Sequence"),"Abundance.1")
sq2.rare <- colnames(st2.rare)
rownames(st2.rare) <- sample.names[keep]
df2 <- melt(st2.rare, varnames=c("Sample", "Sequence"),"Abundance.2")
df.rep <- merge(df1, df2, by=c("Sample", "Sequence"))
# Remove the sequence/samples in which that sequence wasn't in that sample
df.rep <- df.rep[df.rep$Abundance.1 > 0 | df.rep$Abundance.2 > 0,]
df.rep$Presence <- "Both"
df.rep$Presence[df.rep$Abundance.1>0 & df.rep$Abundance.2==0] <- "Replicate.1"
df.rep$Presence[df.rep$Abundance.1==0 & df.rep$Abundance.2>0] <- "Replicate.2"
Let’s visualize the agreement.
p.rep <- ggplot(data=df.rep, aes(x=Abundance.1, y=Abundance.2, color=Presence)) +
geom_point() + theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, linetype="dashed", size=0.2) +
xlab("Abundance (Replicate 1)") + ylab("Abundance (Replicate 2)") +
scale_color_manual(values=c(Both="black", Replicate.1="red", Replicate.2="red"))
p.rep + facet_wrap(~Sample)
That’s pretty good! Let’s take a closer look at the low abundance stuff.
p.rep + xlim(0,200) + ylim(0, 200) + aes(alpha=0.2)
## Warning: Removed 61 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
p.rep + xlim(0,200) + ylim(0, 200) + aes(alpha=0.2) + facet_wrap(~Sample)
## Warning: Removed 61 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
Still good! Non-replicated ASVs don’t start appearing until we hit ~40 reads and below, which is 0.4% frequency in these 10k read samples.
cor(df.rep$Abundance.1, df.rep$Abundance.2)
## [1] 0.9982671
## Both Replicate.1 Replicate.2
## 881 65 70
tapply(df.rep$Abundance.1, df.rep$Presence, sum)/sum(df.rep$Abundance.1)
## Both Replicate.1 Replicate.2
## 0.98696081 0.01303919 0.00000000
tapply(df.rep$Abundance.2, df.rep$Presence, sum)/sum(df.rep$Abundance.2)
## Both Replicate.1 Replicate.2
## 0.98758465 0.00000000 0.01241535
Now make a publication plot showing the full range and the low-frequency range:
df2B <- rbind(cbind(df.rep, Range="ALL"),
cbind(df.rep[df.rep$Abundance.1 <= 200 & df.rep$Abundance.2 <= 200,], Range="LTE300"))
p2B <- ggplot(data=df2B, aes(x=Abundance.1, y=Abundance.2, color=Presence)) +
geom_point() + theme(aspect.ratio=1) +
geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, linetype="dashed", size=0.2) +
xlab("Abundance (Replicate 1)") + ylab("Abundance (Replicate 2)") +
scale_color_manual(values=c(Both="black", Replicate.1="red", Replicate.2="red")) +
facet_wrap(~Range, scales="free", ncol=1) + theme(strip.text=element_blank()) +
ggsave(file.path(path.out, "Fecal_Replicate_Cor.pdf"), p2B, width=3, height=5,units="in", useDingbats=FALSE)
And a publication plot with both panels:
p.2pan <- arrangeGrob(p2B, p.ecoli + theme(aspect.ratio=1), nrow=1, widths=c(0.3, 0.7))
ggsave(file.path(path.out, "Fecal_2Panel.pdf"), p.2pan,
width=178, height=88, units="mm", useDingbats=FALSE)
# Finish up the strain labeling and panel labels in Illustrator